Wednesday, January the 1st, 2003

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This is the new Hooting Yard site, which you may have reached by searching for one of the terms in the

The Hooting Yard Search Engine Lure

duffel-coat homunculus pencil sharpener baize tungsten hebetude ullage toxin orlop custard Ordnance Survey Map guillemot basin creosote bandages orrery airbag gristle linctus subterfuge porlock hobbledehoy mucker crumple scrofula usufruct flap palinode chutes myrmidon bindweed vinculum blazer sponge porridge remorse pelf cyclops treadmill pins Richard Milhous Nixon dubiety whelp sandpaper coathangers tinpot gluten cormorant ectoplasm Heliogabalus fool's paradise dirigible clunk gutta percha fudge recklessness tornado industry goo plinth sandwich paste bewolfenbuddlement cake bile Dobson toffee brilliantine catastrophe poop deck fanfaronade milk tuberculosis owls vermilion Gerard Manley Hopkins pilgarlic shuddering conclave glue haemoglobin windjammer snood Bolshevik plankton theory blister haberdashery concupiscience puddings towel dragonfly Clytemnestra! poltroon grotesque ostrich-shaped mannequin vinegar Donald Rumsfeld chrysanthemums prong stamp collection threnody