Wednesday, January the 1st, 2003
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You may well have arrived here by searching for one of the following keywords, cleverly designed to lure the unsuspecting:
The Hooting Yard Search Engine Keyword Lure
homunculus pencil sharpener baize tungsten hebetude ullage toxin orlop custard Ordnance Survey Map guillemot basin creosote bandages orrery airbag gristle linctus subterfuge porlock hobbledehoy mucker crumple scrofula usufruct flap palinode chutes myrmidon bindweed vinculum blazer sponge porridge remorse pelf cyclops treadmill pins
You have now joined the teeming millions who have already visited Hooting Yard. Three of them have written in to express their awe, but unfortunately the Duty Git hurled their missives into his big iron incinerator.
Some Hooting Yard-approved links
From Hooting Yard to the four corners of the earth…
Correspondence is welcome
Frank Key:
This site was last updated at some point in the 17th century. Unless, of course, you read the Independent On Sundaywhich says that Hooting Yard is “an attic crazily packed with the aerostats, flanges, cobalt and general late-Victorian flotsam of British comic surrealism”. Who am I to disagree with a national newspaper?
16 November 1996