Sunday, October the 28th, 2007

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Head To Head

Barring cancellations or hissy fits, next week will see the first of Hooting Yard's new Public Seminars where matters of great import will be debated by a mix of experts, intellectuals, charlatans, rascals, and persons of fecklessness.

The topic of our first debate is Life Beyond Death, and will be an exciting head-to-head pitting the enormously wealthy best-selling author Deepak Chopra against Hooting Yard's very own Little Severin, The Mystic Badger. Mr Chopra will argue that he has spiritual insights into life after death, based on his rigorous and expert understanding of quantum physics. Little Severin will scrubble about in the undergrowth and snuffle the air in his mystic way, thus proving a worthy opponent. Claims that the debate is weighted too heavily in Mr Chopra's favour can be summarily disposed of. Little Severin knows just as much about quantum physics as his human opponent, if not more so, and to suggest that the badger will be outwitted is plain wrong. You'll see.

The debate will take place in a tent in the middle of a field near Sawdust Bridge. Tickets to see Little Severin are free, but unfortunately you will have to pay through the nose to see Mr Chopra's segment, for so high a spiritual plane has he reached through use of Transcendental Meditation and other techniques that it takes an enormous cashflow to keep him bobbing up there in the mystic aether. In addition to a wallet packed with cash, please bring some grubs and roots to donate to Little Severin's cupboard.


Hooting Yard on the Air, November the 1st, 2007 : “Civic Platform” (starts around 24:48)