Friday, December the 19th, 2008

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The Portrait Of A Tortoise

Cast your mind back to the sixteenth of January. That was the day I posted an item, under the heading Mrs Snooke's Tortoise, about Sylvia Townsend Warner's 1946 book The Portrait Of A Tortoise, where she extracted from the Journals of the 18th century clergyman Gilbert White all the entries regarding his tortoise, Timothy. I suggested at the time that a reading of this would make a splendid special edition of Hooting Yard On The Air, and lo! it has come to pass. I recorded it this morning, and it will be broadcast on ResonanceFM over the Christmas/New Year fortnight. I am not yet sure of the date, but keep an eye on the schedule and be sure not to miss it.

UPDATE : The programme will be broadcast at 12.20 PM on Boxing Day, December 26th.