Saturday, July the 25th, 2009

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An Extremely Useful List Of Farm Implements

[Originally posted on Friday 24 July]

A churn, some bindles, a bean stubble rake, gorse pincers, a clodding mell, two Kentish binding rakes, a disc coulter and a subsoil pulveriser plough, a potato grading shovel, five Morris's turnip fly catchers, two hand-cranked threshers, a seed rusky, an automatic sheaf tying mechanism, a whin bruiser, Keevil's cheese-making apparatus, a mouldbaert, fan tackle and chogger, a Nellis fork, a plough graip, half a dozen liquid manure pumps, a pair of hedger's gloves, Gilbert's improved iron sack holder, four American butter separators, a cauterising iron, a mouth cramp, a charlock slasher, eight barley hummellers, an adze, a curd agitator, grinding stones, Drummond's iron harvest sickle, a dairymaid's yoke, a clod knocker, Biddell's scarifier, Fowler's self-adjusting anchor, a bitting iron, fifteen creels, two caschroms, a dung hack, a Crees lactator, five horn trainers, a fagging stick, a pea hook, two Lipmann glass stoppers, a trenching fork, Gilbee's horse hoe, a drain ladle, hackle prongs, a flax brake, Hall's smut machine, a heckling board, three flauchter spades, a hay tedder, an Ivel three-wheeled petrol-powered machine, Finlayson's grubber, a potato riddle, four root pulpers, paring mattocks, Morton's revolving harrow, Samuelson's cake-breaking machine, a foot pick, sheep netting, two oilcake crushers, Reade's patent syringe, various instruments for destroying moles, a barrow turnip slicer, a Paul net, a Sandwich clean-sweep hay-loader, probangs, castrating shears, Hannaford's wet wheat pickling machine, a scutching board, a swath turner, a plank-drag harrow, and Blurton's tumbling cheese rack.

Source : From a forthcoming Hooting Yard publication, the first in the series Out Of Print Pamphlets Reprinted. Further details soon…