Monday, December the 14th, 2009

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Now We Are Six

I must apologise for echoing A A Milne in the title of this postage. (In 1928, in her Constant Reader column in The New Yorker, Dorothy Parker wrote, immortally, “and it is that word ‘hummy’, my darlings, that marks the first place in The House at Pooh Corner at which Tonstant Weader fwowed up”, thus telling us all we ever need know about Milne.) But “now we are six” is, in the present case, literally true, for it was on this day in 2003 that the Hooting Yard website came into being.

There was, as aficionados know, an earlier Hooting Yard presence on the interweb, but it was a static site containing a jumble of pre-Wilderness Years odds and ends. On 14th December 2003, however, regular postages from Mr Key's pea-sized yet pulsating brain began tumbling forth, and continue to do so, with the occasional hiatus.

Many thanks, on this anniversary, to the readers and listeners who stalk the muddy lanes in and around Haemoglobin Towers and Bodger's Spinney for your support and enthusiasm.