Monday, January the 25th, 2010

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How To Spot A Criminal Maniac

“A few months after my father had diagnosed this case, an assault of the same nature was committed on another little girl living in the same house. In this case, however, the victim survived and was able to point out the criminal—an imbecile, afflicted with goitre, stammering, strabismus, hydrocephaly, trochocephaly, and plagiocephaly, with arms of disproportionate length, the son and grandson of drunkards, who confessed the double crime and entreated pardon for the ‘trifling offence’ since he had always done his duty and swept the staircase, even on the day he committed the crime.”

From Criminal Man, According To The Classification Of Cesare Lombroso Briefly Summarised By His Daughter, Gina Lombroso-Ferrero (1911). This was No. 27 in “The Science Series” edited by Edward Lee Thorndike, PhD, and F E Beddard, MA, FRS. Other titles included Fatigue by A Mosso, Nervous And Mental Hygiene In Health And Disease by August Forel, Mosquito Life by Evelyn Groesbeeck Mitchell, and The Interpretation Of Radium by F Soddy.