Friday, March the 5th, 2010

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Adjectival Ethereality

Astute readers will have gathered, not in the Winsletian sense, that I am currently reading And Then There Was No One by Gilbert Adair. (What the cravat is to Pebblehead, and the cape to Tony Buzan, the scarf is to the excellent Mr Adair.) Among the book's many delights is this list of “adjectival ethereality”, words used by Nabokov in Lolita:

Glossy, furry, honey-coloured, honey-hued, honey-brown, leggy, slender, opalescent, russet, tingling, dreamy, biscuity, pearl-gray, hazy, flurry, dimpled, luminous, moist, silky, downy, shimmering, iridescent, gauzy, fragrant, coltish, nacreous, glistening, fuzzy, leafy, shady, rosy, dolorous, burnished, quivering, plumbacious, stippled…