Wednesday, June the 16th, 2010

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Thimble Of Everything

“A rose is a rose is a rose is a rose” is perhaps Gertrude Stein's most memorable utterance. It first appeared in the 1913 poem Sacred Emily (published in 1922 in the collection Geography And Plays) as “Rose is a rose is a rose is a rose”, the first Rose being a proper name. There are other lines in the poem of which I am very fond, including:

It is rose in hen… Weeds without papers are necessary… Humming does as humming is… Electrics are tight electrics are white electrics are a button…  A very reasonable berry… A coral neck and a little song so very extra so very Susie… Cow come out cow come out and out and smell a little… Websters and mines, websters and mines… Cunning piler… Thimble of everything.

ADDENDUM : For more about Gertrude Stein and cows, go here.