Tuesday, July the 13th, 2010

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Concerning The Recent Excavations In The North Transept Of St Bibblybibdib's Church

The church, the church consecrated, the church consecrated to St Bibblybibdib.

Hard, the church, St Bibblybibdib's, hard, hard by the banks, by the banks of the Ack, hard by the banks of the Ack or the Vug.

Steamers, steamers ply the Ack, steamers ply the Vug, the Ack, the Vug, steamers ply, and hard by the banks, the consecrated church, hard by, St Bibblybibdib's.

The transept, in the church, the transept in the church hard by the banks, the north transept, the north transept of St Bibblybibdib's church, hard by the banks of the Ack or the Vug.

Hard by the banks, the church consecrated to St Bibblybibdib, the transept of the church, the north transept, excavations, oh!, excavations, by Kleig light.

Lit by Kleig lights, bright, in the transept, the north transept, excavations, spades, shovels, hard by the banks, the fine old church, St Bibblybibdib's.

Excavations, digging, digging up, in St Bibblybibdib's, bones, digging up bones, in the north transept, lit bright, the north transept, by Kleig light.

Hard by the banks of the Ack or the Vug, the north transept of St Bibblybibdib's, bright in Kleig light, excavations, digging, digging up bones, spades and shovels digging up bones in St Bibblybibdib's, the north transept.

Digging up bones, bones of sinners, sinners' bones, heretics' bones, in St Bibblybibdib's, hard by the banks of the Ack, by the banks of the Vug, hard by, steamers ply.

Sinful sailors from steamers, sinners and heretics, bones dug up from the transept, the north transept, by Kleig light, in St Bibblybibdib's, consecrated, the church consecrated

Tossed, tossed into the Ack, the Vug, bones, tossed, bones of sinners, bones of heretics, dug up and tossed away, out of the church, the consecrated church, the north transept, lit bright, lit bright.


Hooting Yard on the Air, July the 15th, 2010 : “Eggs, Stick” (starts around 15:50)