Friday, September the 24th, 2010

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Abba Dabbler

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We interrupt this programme alphabet to point readers, with a pointy stick, towards The Dabbler, where this week Mr Key's cupboard contains a couple of pieces about Belshazzar's feast. Or, more accurately, one is set before Belshazzar's feast, and the other just after it. Intriguingly, when these little tales first appeared here at Hooting Yard, many readers thought they were about the Swedish pop group Abba, presumably because the protagonists share their Christian names with the Scandinavian foursome, and quote lyrics from a couple of their songlets. I would like to take this opportunity to make it crystal clear that these are sheer coincidences, and no resemblance to any real persons, either living or passed beyond mortal realms, was intended.

ADDENDUM : The two “Belshazzar's Feast” tales, with musical accompaniment provided by legendary noise decomposer Lepke Buchwater, will form Mr Key's segment of the Resonance Radio Orchestra evening at the Jellyfish Theatre on Sunday 3rd October. (See D is for Date For Your Diary.)