Tuesday, January the 25th, 2011

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Advice On Grunting

Courtesy of The Cat's Meat Shop, some extremely detailed advice on grunting:

Take the baby hand in one of yours. Spread out the hand. Point to the thumb, and say decidedly, yet confidingly –

1. This little pig went to market.” (Grunt and let it be an ordinary pig's grunt.)

Point to the next finger and say, in the deepest bass you can assume –

2. “This little pig stayed at home.” (Give a morose bass grunt and frown.)

Point to the next finger and say, with an insinuating tone and smile, elevating your eyebrows and bowing –

3. “This little pig had roast beef” (and add three quick little grunts of satisfaction.)

Point to the next finger and say, in a voice just ready to cry –

4. “This little pig had none.” (Give two low grunts of weariness, and look ready to cry.)

Then pointing to the little finger, say very pleasantly, in a shrill, droll voice, laughing meanwhile, “This little pig cried, ‘Tweak! tweak! tweak!'” pinching and twirling the child's finger gently, as if you had hold of the pig's tail.

This makes a complete harmless drama of the story of the pigs, and rouses baby's feelings, sensations and ideas in a healthy manner. Five distinct emotions are raised: 1. Interest; 2. Fear; 3. Pleasure or sympathy; 4. Grief, almost to tears; 5. A sudden reversion to mirth, and “All's well that ends well,” a great desideratum in baby estimation. We must remember too, that the feelings during babyhood are ephemeral in the extreme, light and evanescent…


Hooting Yard on the Air, January the 27th, 2011 : “Git On Drayhorse” (starts around 23:04)