Friday, January the 20th, 2012

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On Dickensian Characters

To create a composite Dickensian character, it is necessary to cobble together elements from Adams, the Aged Parent, Arabella and Benjamin Allen, the Artful Dodger, Mr Ayresleigh, the Avenger, the Bachelor, Bayham and Laura Badger, the One-Eyed Bagman, the Bagnet family, Major Joseph Bagstock, Jack Bamber, Angelo Cyrus Bantam, Barbara, Miss Barbary, Martha Bardell, Thomas Bardell, Barkis, Old Bill Barley and Clara Barley, the Barnacle family, John Barsad, Charles Bates, Bazzard, Belle, Benjamin, Betsy, Mr Bevan, Biddy, Bitzer, Stephen Blackpool, Cornelia Blimber, Noddy and Henrietta Boffin, Josiah Bounderby, Lawrence Boythorn, Sally Brass, Sampson Brass, Madeline Bray, Walter Bray, Jefferson Brick, John Browdie, Good Mrs Brown, Alice Brown, Mr Brownlow, Inspector Bucket, Rosa Bud, Bumble, Jack Bunsby, Serjeant Buzfuz, Harriet, James and John Carker, Richard Carstone, Sydney Carton, John Baptist Cavalletto, the Reverend Chadband, the Cheeryble brothers and Frank, Edward and John Chester, Louisa Chick, Anne Chickenstalker, Anthony, Jonas, Martin and Old Martin Chuzzlewit, Ada Clare, Noah Claypole, Colonel Chowser, Compeyson, David Copperfield, Clara Copperfield, Mrs Corney, Bob Cratchit, Tiny Tim Cratchit, Creakle, Sophy Crewler, David Crimple, Mr Cripples, Canon Crisparkle, Vincent and Mrs Crummles, Jerry and Mrs Cruncher, Alderman Cute, Captain Cuttle, Solomon Daisy, Charles Darnay, Rosa Dartle, Dick Datchery, Lady Honoria and Sir Leicester Dedlock and Volumnia Dedlock, Ernest and Madame Defarge, Ned Dennis, Mr Dick, Young Dick, Deputy Winks, Mrs Dilber, Colonel Diver, Dodson and Fogg, Mr Dolls, Fanny and Florence Dombey and Paul Dombey and Paul Dombey Junior, Amy, Edward, Fanny, Frederick and William Dorrit, Daniel Doyce, Edwin Drood, Bentley Drummle, Duff, Durdles, Emily, the Marquis St Evrémonde, Fagin, Fan, Rainer Werner Fassbinder, Mr Feeder, Mr Fezziwig, Flora Finching, Horatio Fizkin, Affery and Jeremiah Flintwinch, Miss Flite, Fred, Mrs Gamp, Joe Gargery, Abel Garland, Mr and Mrs Garland, Walter Gay, Mr George, the Ghosts of Christmas Past, Present and Future, Mr Giles, Thomas and Tom Gradgrind, Mary Graham, Grainger, Edith Granger, Mr and Mrs Grayper, Grewgious, Arthur Gride, Gridley, Mr Grimwig, John Grueby, Mr and Mrs Gulpidge, Mrs Gummidge, William Guppy, John Harmon, Mrs Harris, James Harthouse, Estella Havisham, Miss Havisham, Arthur Havisham, Captain James Hawdon, Sir Mulberry Hawk, Mrs Heep, Uriah Heep, Werner Herzog, Charlie, Gaffer, and Lizzie Hexam, Betty Higden, Mrs Hominy, Luke Honeythunder, Hortense, Mr and Mrs Hubbles, Hugh, Leo and Mrs Hunter, Jem Hutley, Jaggers, Janet, John Jarndyce, John Jasper, Dr Anthony Jeddler and Grace, Marion and Martha Jeddler, Mr and Mrs Jellyby and Caddy Jellyby, Jenny, Alfred Jingle, Jo, Mr Jorkins, Captain Kedgick, Kenge, Kenwigs, Mrs Kidgerbury, Krook, Miss La Creevy, Alfred and Sophronia Lammle, Helena and Neville Landless, Mr Langdale, Miss Larkins, Edward and Edwin Leeford, Thomas Lenville, Lewsome, Mortimer Lightwood, Lillian, Mr Lillyvick, Tim Linkinwater, Littimer, Edmund Longford, Jarvis Lorry, Dr Losberne, Lowten, Mrs Lupin, Abel Magwitch, Peter Magnus, Dr Alexandre and Lucie Manette, Mrs Mann, Mr and Mme Mantalini, Jacob Marley, Mr Marton, Mary, Mary Anne, Mrs Maylie, Harry Maylie, Rose Maylie, Mr M'Choakumchild, Merdle, Wilkins Micawber, Molly, Mr Murdstone, Nancy, the Native, Neckett, Charlotte Neckett, Mrs Nickleby, Kate, Nicholas and Ralph Nickleby, Susan Nipper, Newman Noggs, the Norris family, Kit Nubbles, Mr Nupkins, Mr Omer, Dolge Orlick, Major and Mrs Pawkins, Dr Payne, Charity, Mercy and Seth Pecksniff, Clara, Daniel and Ham Peggotty, Mr Perker, the Infant Phenomenon, Samuel Pickwick, Tom Pinch, Pip, Caleb Plummer, Matthew, Herbert and Sarah Pocket, Mr and Mrs Pott, Pumblechook, Daniel and Betsy Quilp, Mr Quinion, George Radfoot, Professor Redlaw, Pleasant and Rogue Riderhood, Monsieur Rigaud, John Rokesmith, Mrs Rouncewell, Richard and Watt Rouncewell, Rosa, Barnaby Rudge, Barnaby Rudge Senior, Mr Rugg, Volker Schlondorff, Ebenezer Scrooge, Bill Sikes, Harold Skimpole, Dr Slammer, Samuel Slumkey, Mr Smallweed, Smike, Mr Snagsby, Augustus Snodgrass, Mr and Mrs Sowerberry, Dora Spenlow, Mr and Mrs Spottletoe, Wackford Squeers, Mrs Squeers, Fanny Squeers and Wackford Squeers Junior, Phil Squod, Stagg, James Steerforth, Dr and Annie Strong, Esther Summerson, Paul Sweedlepipe, Milly and Philip and William Swidger, Dick Swiveller, Hans-Jürgen Syberberg, Tackleton, Mark Tapley, Simon Tappertit, Tartar, Tattycoram, the Tetterby family, Mrs Ticket, Mr Tiffey, Montigue Tigg, Mrs Tisher, Mrs Todgers, Polly Toodle, Toots, Lucretia Tox, Trabb, Trabb's boy, Tommy Traddles, Fred and Nelly Trent, Job Trotter, Josiah Tulkinghorn, Tracy Tupman, Prince Turveydrop and Old Mr Turveydrop, Oliver Twist, Meg and Trotty Veck, the Vengeance, Mr Vholes, Margerethe Von Trotta, Old Mrs Wardle, Mr Wardle, Isabella, Emily and Rachael Wardle, Mr and Mrs Waterbrook, Tony Weller and Samuel Weller, John Wemmick, Wim Wenders, John Westlock, Mrs Whimple, Agnes Wickfield, Professor Wigsby, Nathaniel Winkle, Miss Witherfield, Dr Allan Woodcourt, Mr Wopsle, the five sisters of York, Zamiel, and the Zephyr. So get cobbling!


Hooting Yard on the Air, March the 12th, 2015 : “On Dickensian Characters” (starts around 05:16)