Monday, April the 16th, 2012

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A Date For Your Diary

Few double-acts in the history of the universe have ever been so magnificent as Simon And Garfunkel Crosse & Blackwell Mr Key and Lepke B. Those who witnessed our only ever collaboration at the (now demolished) Jellyfish Theatre in October 2010 are still too stunned to speak about it, even in hushed tones.

Now, the legendary duo is reforming for Resonance104.4FM's tenth anniversary party on the first of May. We will be on the bill alongside luminaries including Bob Drake and Kinnie The Explorer. Full details, including ticket-ordering linkage web-wizardry, here.

I strongly recommend that you attend, and whoop your cheers, and throw your hats in the air, and other such expressions of unbridled enthusiasm, including swooning with overexcitement.