Saturday, May the 5th, 2012

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A To Z At W And T

Although I have been described as a Diogenesian recluse, I have been out and about a few times recently, first to look at tiles, then to perform with Lepke B. at the Resonance104.4FM tenth birthday party, and, last night to the opening of an exhibition—Jane Colling's A to Z screenprints at Woolfson & Tay. I thoroughly recommend this to all London-based Hooting Yardists, and indeed non-Londoners, who can fly in from around the globe.

Representing a quarter century of work, the twenty-six prints take us through the alphabet from “After Armageddon Ambivalent Ape Attests Ark's Arrival. Animals Amble Ashore, Approaching Apricot Arbour As Arcane Arm Allows Adam An Apple. Archeopteryx Arrogates Andromeda & Aries, Aztecs Appropriate Adobe And An Aeroplane Appears” to “Zirna Zings, Zeus Zaps Zedders Zavouring Zuns Zinfandel Zest. Zinjanthropus' Zephyrs Zero-In. Zydecodancers Zig-Zag Zigguratwards”.

At the opening, the captions were recited by Peter Blegvad and Sarah Reilly, standing behind alphabetically decorated podia. The exhibition runs until 27 May, so hie thee hence!
