Thursday, May the 9th, 2013

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hear this

Shoveller, Shoveller

“Shoveller, shoveller, what do you shovel?”

“I'm shovelling the muck outside your hovel.”

“Shoveller, shoveller, please desist!
I love my muck, it will be much missed!”

“Peasant, oh peasant, the muck is not yours.
I'm shovelling it off for a greater cause.
The cause of the princeling who owns your muck,
As he owns you, your hovel and your duck
And your pot and your pan and your hay and your straw.
The princeling needs your muck for the war.”

“Shoveller, shoveller, what war is that?”

“It is the war of the princeling's hat.”

Fragment from an old folk song called “The War Of The Princeling's Hat”.


Hooting Yard on the Air, May the 9th, 2013 : “Away In A Manger” (starts around 27:24)