Tuesday, December the 31th, 2013

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Old Key's Almanacke

For several centuries, Old Key's Almanacke has proved an eerily and unerringly accurate prognostication of significant events due to occur in the next twelvemonth. Here is what lies in store in the Year of Our Lord MMXIV, as predicted by Old Key himself.

January : “Cones” appear at the site of a road closure.

February : Scientists discover a new anagram of Pol Pot.

March : A scribbler publishes a fatuity in The Guardian.

April : Down at the docks, noisome ooze and bilgewater.

May : The De Botton Conundrum is solved, to universal rejoicing.

June : In a hotel, a doctor demands his sausages.

July : Vince Cable stands windswept upon Westminster Bridge.

August : The mighty look on the works of Ozymandias and despair!

September : The crystal ball is cloudy, but we descry something about a footballer and his hamstring.

October : Eggs hatch on a farm.

November : The iFry is launched, a simulacrum of Stephen Fry that witters incessantly and is small enough to be tossed into a wastepaper basket.

December : Jesus Christ returns, his image appearing on a slice of toast.


Hooting Yard on the Air, January the 13th, 2011 : “Old Key's Almanacke” (starts around 04:05)

Hooting Yard on the Air, November the 13th, 2011 : “Old Key's Almanacke” (starts around 04:05)