Monday, January the 20th, 2014

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Conspiracy Of Silence

My grassy knoll potsage the other day prompted a keen-eyed reader to bring to my attention something called Project Unspeakable. According to its Facecloth page, this “project” aims to “challenge the silence surrounding the assassination” of President Kennedy and three other “leaders for peace” (Robert Kennedy, Dr King (as we must always call him), and Malcolm X).

Er … what silence is that, precisely? There are so many books about the JFK assassination that even Vincent Bugliosi hasn't had time—in the twenty-plus years he worked on his book—to read all of them. Not to mention the magazine articles, television documentaries, and feature films. The deaths of the other three have not attracted quite that level of attention, but they have hardly been ignored and cast into the dustbin of history (© Leon Trotsky, another murderee who surely ought to be on Project Unspeakable's list. Oh, hang on, he wasn't American, and he was ice-picked by a Stalinist agent, so in Unspeakable circles that's probably all above board.)

The “conspiracy of silence” is about as silent as Hooting Yard, which as you know hardly ever shuts up.