Sunday, December the 28th, 2014

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hear this

The Falls

“We shall pick up an existence by its frogs,” wrote [Charles] Fort in a memorable phrase; but he also told of falls of alkali, asbestos, ashes, axes;

of beef, birds, bitumen, blood, brick, and butter;

of carbonate of soda, charcoal, cinders, coal, coffee beans, and coke;

of fibres, fish, flesh, and flints;

of gelatin, grain, and greenstone;

of hay;

of ice, insects, and iron;

of larvae, leaves, and lizards;

of manna;

of nostoc;

of sands, seeds, silk, snakes, soot, spiderwebs, stones, and sulphur;

of turpentine, and turtles;

of water, and worms.

Damon Knight, Charles Fort : Prophet Of The Unexplained (Gollancz 1971)


Hooting Yard on the Air, January the 8th, 2015 : “A Map Of Pointy Town” (starts around 21:04)