Friday, February the 2nd, 2018

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Eeuurrgghh Update

Blimey! That was a bloody awful start to the year. On New Year's Eve I began to feel as sick as a particularly sick dog, and I then spent most of January sprawled in bed, moaning weakly. Only in the past few days do I at last seem to be recovering my pep, or what passes for pep in these parts.

It now behooves me to set Hooting Yard back on course after a whole month of silence. To this end, I have devised a foolhardy scheme, a planned series of interconnected pieces o' prose, none of which I have yet written. We shall see how that pans out in the coming weeks.

Meanwhile, I ought to draw to your attention the annual fundraiser at ResonanceFM, in the hope that you will give generously. You lot may be particularly interested in bidding for this year's Hooting Yard auction item, a unique bespoke paperback to be issued in an edition of one.

I shall try to be back tomorrow, with some new prose …