Sunday, April the 1st, 2018

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Elf-Help For Idiots

After writing dozens and dozens of books, self-help guru “Dr.” Bruce Terrific has had an epiphany.

“It was always my aim to write more books than Tony Buzan,” he said in an interview with Buzantastic News magazine, “And having achieved that goal, I felt it was time to strike off in a new direction. It has also dawned on me that my self-help books serve only to increase the navel-gazing narcissism of readers who can't see further than their own petty and squalid lives. Christ almighty, isn't it high time people stopped helping themselves and instead helped others?

“That's why I am launching a new series of elf-help books. For too long, elves, fairies, and laughing gnomes have had to fend for themselves. Well, those days are over. From now on, my readers are going to be instructed in the best ways to devote themselves to the care and feeding of elves. Beat that, Tony Buzan!”

The first book in the series, Elf-Help For Idiots, explains how to darn an elf's pointy hat when it becomes frayed.


Hooting Yard on the Air, June the 7th, 2018 : “Bolshevik Tomato Paste Scoop” (starts around 10:01)