Thursday, January the 1st, 2004

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Archival Rescue Service

Here is another classic from the vaults, By Aerostat to Hooting Yard. The original text has not been tampered with, even though it probably ought to be. Please note that the character Dobson in this story is not related to Dobson the playwright (see below, 22nd December), nor are either of them connected to either of The Two Dobsons, protagonists of that classic British chiller of 1947. The British Film Institute maintains its bizarre refusal to acknowledge the existence of this cinematic masterpiece. That doyen of film historians, Thorold Dickinson, always used to make his excuses and leave whenever anyone attempted to mention it in conversation. My father said that if he had had a penny for every time he had seen Dickinson sweeping off with his greatcoat about his shoulders, he would have been a very rich man.