Saturday, January the 10th, 2004

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hear this

The Windows in the Villa

…the wind in the willows, the wind in the windows, the will in the windows, the wills in the window, Goop, the executor, saw that the will had been lodged in the casement window, it was hidden behind the curtain, although he was not certain, the will in the window, the lady in the lake, the lake like the lady, the lake in the la di da, the break in the lake, the Beak Keepsake, for a keepsake, in her locket, the lady in the lake kept a beak, the beak of a bird, the third bird, the first bird was a chaffinch, the second was a vulture, the third bird was dead, its beak had been detached and she kept it as a keepsake in her locket in her pocket, the quick and the dead, the dead and the sick, the sick and the sad, the sick man was sad, he wrote his will, he plighted his troth, he was as sick as a dog, he was sick in the trough, the tooth of the truth, those shoes of his, his shoes, the truth of boots and shoes, a boot is a shoe, the beauty of boots, the mutiny on the Bounty, a bountiful feast, the test of the best, deceit is a crime, the crime of the tooth, the truth of the crime, in Much Hadham, is that true? I've not checked, the check and the stripe, the striped and the hooped, the patterned and plain, the brain drain, the drain at the kerb, the kerb of the path, the path of life, the death of earth, the dearth of crime, the crime of passion, the scarlet pimpernel, the pimpled and sick, the sickness unto death, rude health, untold wealth, pelf, filthy lucre, Lord Lucan, the Charge of the Light Brigade, the raid of the brigade, the raid was made, the maid was late, the tale was told, as bold as brass, the caste system, a Shropshire Lad, baize, the toll of bells, the bells of hell, Beelzebub's bells, that swelling brogue, that broken shell, a-wassailing we will go…


Hooting Yard on the Air, October the 26th, 2005 : “My Little Blind Crow” (starts around 02:21)

Hooting Yard on the Air, January the 17th, 2019 : “A Person From Porlock” (starts around 13:26)