Tuesday, January the 20th, 2004

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hear this


A while ago I found a truly majestic publication in a secondhand bookshop on Charing Cross Road. It's a 76 page A6 booklet, spineless, with a yellow card cover, entitled Further Science—Book 20, written and published by Norman Davies in 2001. Infuriatingly, there is neither a jot nor tittle of further information—no address, contact details, or anything. The contents include topics such as: Hedge Auras; Dragonflies; World Monkeys; Near Death; World Flag Psychology; and National Bill Hooks. If anyone knows anything more about Norman Davies, or how I could obtain Further Science Books 1 to 19 (and 21 onwards?) please contact me immediately!

As I have no way of asking Mr Davies' permission to reproduce his work, I pondered not doing so; but my resolve was broken. Here, then, is an extract. It is entitled “Ancestral Birds” (sic throughout):

  1. That Australian Birds represent Ancestral European species.
  2. And insight into their psychological differences, would reveal how species psychologies evolve.—A new science—Psychological Evolution.
  3. The Takahe—which equals the coot—once could not fly.
  4. Pukako equals the moorhen—was once larger.
  5. The Waka equals the corncrake—once flightless / nocturnal in forest / ex predator / burrow.
  6. Kiwi equal the starling / always was spotted / solid boned / primitive / large eggs / great smell / top bill nostrils / forest nocturnal / flightless / no tail.
  7. The spotted shag equals the cormorant.
  8. Black swan equals the white mute swan—once black and rough / intruder aggressive / platform nest.
  9. Brolgas equal cranes—once danced / ground nesting / no nest / trumpets.
  10. Tui equals the house sparrow—once honey eating / musical mimic.
  11. Kookaburra equals the kingfisher—once larger / pro snakes slippery / once laughing / suburb tame.
  12. Peewit equals the magpie—once high tree quiet cry / pairs / Winter flock.
  13. Apostle bird equals the bunting—tree hops small flocks etc.
  14. And so on for Bird of Paradise / crows—bower bird / thrushes—Butcher Bird / shrike—Rock Pigeon / doves—Frogmouth / nightjar—Cockatoo / parrot—Mutton Bird / petrels—Kea Parrot / crossbills and finches—Lyre bird / pheasant—Kagu / bitterns—Mallee Fowl / partridge—Scrub Bird / warblers—Cassowary / domestic hen etc.


Hooting Yard on the Air, March the 1st, 2012 : “On Speed” (starts around 23:55)