Wednesday, January the 28th, 2004

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World O' Cake

Following the item about the sop to Cerberus (see below, January 24th January), reader Ruth Pastry has written as follows: “It is all very well including such nuggets of (questionable) information, but if you are going to whet the readers' appetite in such a manner, please do not stint* when it comes to giving us the full story. I am sure I am not alone in wanting to know what kind of cake is referred to. Chocolate swiss roll? Battenburg? Old Mother Framley's Cherry Surprise?”

Point taken, Dr Pastry. If any readers can help out, I will be happy to publish contributions to this invigorating debate.

*NOTE : A stint is, of course, a bird. What is Dr Pastry prattling on about?


Hooting Yard on the Air, April the 14th, 2004 : “Burnt Maps” (starts around 25:43)