Monday, February the 16th, 2004

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Thespian Careers

Accounts of actors' careers invariably list their greatest roles: “over a long career she appeared as Ophelia, Gertrude, Clytemnestra!, Hedda Gabler, Queen Elizabeth the First…” “he played Hamlet, Lear, Napoleon, Churchill…”

How much more evocative are those parts so lovingly-described towards the end of credit sequences. Pansy Cradledew has a fondness for Woman in Beige Hat. My current favourite is Parent with Bird. To which one could add Man Guarding Fish, Haggling Monkey Seller, Limping Woman at Funeral, Lawyer in Raincoat, Grizzled Sailor 1 & Grizzled Sailor 2, Preening Customer, Man in Spats, and so many more. You can expect to see this paragraph regularly updated, and please send in your own favourites.