Wednesday, March the 3rd, 2004

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Quote of the Day

“As if kindled into anger now by sight of his wasted grief, as if vindictive with long-delayed revelation, she went to the bureau that had been Julia's. She threw open a drawer of it with such righteous violence that the whole cabinet shook and quivered. She plunged her hand in, unerringly striking toward a hiding place she knew of from some past discovery. Then held it toward him in speechless portent. Within it was rimmed a dusty cake, a pastille, of cheek rouge. She threw it down, anathema. Again her hand burrowed into secretive recesses of the drawer. She held up, this time, a cluster of slender, spindly cigars. She showed him, flung them from her. Her hands went up overhead, quivered there aloft, vibrant with doom and malediction, calling the blind skies to witness. She intoned in a blood-curdling voice, like some Old Testament prophetess calling down apocalyptic judgment. 'They's been a bad woman living in your house! They's been a stranger sleeping in your bed!'” — Cornell Woolrich, Waltz Into Darkness


Hooting Yard on the Air, February the 12th, 2015 : “Hooting Yard Haiku” (starts around 06:19)