Wednesday, March the 10th, 2004

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Velma Nebraska Reports

Dear Frank : Mention of Joost Van Dongelbracke, the Suburban Shaman (24th & 26th February) reminded me of Mama Donna, a wonderful urban shaman I stayed with in New York. Hooting Yard readers may find the information below of some use if they ever happen to be wandering around Brooklyn looking for an interesting tea room, or are looking for their inner Goddesses, or both.

Velma Nebraska, globe-trotting Hooting Yard reporter

Donna Henes, Urban Shaman, is a contemporary ceremonialist specializing in multi-cultural ritual celebration of the cycles of the seasons and the seasons of our lives. She is the author of The Queen of My Self, The Moon Watcher's Companion, Celestially Auspicious Occasions, and Dressing Our Wounds In Warm Clothes, as well as the CD, Reverence To Her: Mythology, The Matriarchy & Me. She is also the editor and publisher of the highly acclaimed quarterly journal Always In Season: Living In Sync with the Cycles. In 1982, she composed the first (and to this date, the only) satellite peace message in space: “chants for peace * chance for peace”. Mama Donna, as she is affectionately known, has offered lectures, workshops, circles, and celebrations worldwide for 30 years. She is the director of Mama Donna's Tea Garden & Healing Haven, a ceremonial center, ritual consultancy and spirit shop in Exotic Brooklyn, New York. For further information, a list of services and publications, a calendar of upcoming events and a complimentary issue of Always in Season: Living in Sync with the Cycles

contact: Mama Donna's Tea Garden & Healing Haven, PO Box 380403 Exotic Brooklyn, NY 11238-0403 U.S.A. or visit and

Many thanks for that, Velma. I have obtained a dozen copies of Dressing Our Wounds In Warm Clothes (which sounds more like the work of a solicitous and fussy parent preparing their tot for school on a wintry morning) to be given away, with a special Hooting Yard combination balaclava-and-bandage, to the first twelve readers who write in with their own, original tips for living in sync.