Friday, March the 12th, 2004

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As we reported on Tuesday, today sees Snow White's tiny friends the seven dwarves adopting new names as part of a long-overdue rebranding exercise (see 9th March). Inspired by their example, we have decided to rebrand Hooting Yard itself. Readers are invited to send in suggestions, bearing in mind that in the corporate world exciting, vibrant and dynamic new identities are invariably limited to one word, usually ending in -A, and probably in fake Latin—think Aviva, Consignia, Engenda and so on. We will also be chucking out that so, so fussy “Implausible” emblem at the top of the page and replacing it with a simple swirly design, similar to the superb examples shown here:

Rebranding: Logo5Rebranding: Logo2Rebranding: Logo3Rebranding: Logo4Rebranding: Logo1