Friday, March the 19th, 2004

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The Annual “Atlas Shrugged” Poetry Competition

It is time once again for this popular contest, open to all readers, their families and friends. With just a week to go until Pansy Cradledew Day, the panel of judges decided to set her as the topic—or, to be more precise “a poem in praise of Pansy Cradledew written in the style of Andrew Motion”. Now there's a challenge for poetasters and versifiers! Sharpen your pencils, set to work, and send in entries by Thursday 25th March, for publication on the great day itself. See 18th December and 17th March for examples of the Poet Laureate's doggerel, and refer to What Is Hooting Yard? for some pointers to Pansy's estimable character. The winner will be sent an original Gervase Beerpint manuscript, in pink ink on blotting paper—really!

The “Atlas Shrugged” Poetry Competition is sponsored by the Gubbins-Dobson Foundation For Global Shenanigans, innit