Tuesday, March the 23rd, 2004

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Quote of the Day

“[It was] Merro Daak, the fashionable radio astrologer, whose name was on every woman's tongue. Slade had seen him often, passing through the village in his big foreign-made car, with his jaded and debauched companions, on whose neurotic faces Slade's eye had read the imprint of sickening abnormalities. Did the orgies which were said to go on in Merro Daak's house have any bearing on these bestial atrocities? Slade plodded back to his car. His brain was a whirling chaos.” — John H. Knox, The Thing That Dined On Death


Hooting Yard on the Air, November the 17th, 2004 : “Practical Seagull Exercises” (starts around 28:06)