Monday, May the 10th, 2004

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Pencil of the Month

Dr Ruth Pastry has written in to bemoan the passing of our popular “Decoy Duck of the Week” feature. I can understand, she writes, That you may have become bored of decoy ducks, but surely this is no excuse to deprive your readers of the pleasures of a regular pictorial series? I used to look forward with eagerness to the weekly duck, print it out on a colour laser printer, and paste it into an album that I bought especially. Now I'm left with lots and lots of empty pages. Please either reinstitute the decoy duck series, or start a new one. How about “Plasticine Cow of the Week?” I am pleased to inform Dr Pastry that the Hooting Yard staff member with responsibility for plasticine farmyard animals is “on the case”, as it were. Meanwhile, here is the first Pencil of the Month.

Pencil of the Month: Pencil