Friday, May the 14th, 2004

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Bashful Coctlosh Trauma Surgeon

Being the title of a novel by Maisie Pew, due to be published in September. It is a book of ten chapters, their titles being:

I. The Gelignite Zombie Person From Didcot

II. Pudding Time

III. Paste, Then Gruel

IV. Our Hero, Dr Slab, Goes Haywire

V. Being A Chapter In Which Lovecraftian Shudders Are Experienced By A Barnyard Person And A Ferocious Bat-Being

VI. Tord Grip

VII. The Other Gelignite Zombie Person From Didcot

VIII. That Sinuous L'Oreal Toss Of The Hair Performed By A Pirate Gang

IX. Shoes? Boots? String?

X. Mild Peril Fop Dilemma