Monday, July the 5th, 2004

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Picture Quiz

Ever mindful of the need to keep our readers entertained in these grim summer months, we have devised this exciting new feature. Below is an illustration, accompanied by some searching questions. Write your answers on a piece of paper, and paste it into your commonplace book using one of the adhesives available in all good stationery shops. This will become something to treasure for years to come.

Picture Quiz: Assassin

1. What is the name of the monarch at whom a bomb is being thrown?

2. Why has the monarch let drop his baubled sceptre?

3. Which beast of the field was shorn to provide the material for the monarch's ill-fitting gloves?

4. If your answer to question 3 is “dromedary”, what led you to that conclusion?

5. Do you think Condoleezza Rice is quite scary?

6. Look carefully at the assassin's suit. Does it have panache?

7. Oh what can ail thee, knight at arms / Alone and palely loitering? / The sedge has withered from the lake / And no birds sing. (Keats) Why has the sedge withered?