Saturday, August the 14th, 2004

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Quote of the Day

“The ringing in my ears is the ringing of my fleshly stars ‘toned all in Time’. I have commenced an anthology of high imaginings more worthy than a book of essays of that title I have loved and desired to use for years—Flame and Dew. If rightly done, it may do poetry one of the greatest of services by assisting it to praise Beauty on many lips in naked Light. I wish to consecrate my work on it to that end. Today I have been influenced by Frederick Tennyson, Traherne, and Patmore. In agony lies the highest music. The key is struck by circumstance, Time's organist, and the stars tremble with music. For the full thundering silence of Absolute Beauty a Divine Agony was necessary, so that all Heaven and its choirs and Hell trembled in the majesty of this stricken Doom.” — Arthur Middleton, The Forgotten Threshold