Saturday, October the 2nd, 2004

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Making Hats Out of Wood

The craft of making wooden hats is the subject of a children's activity weekend to be held at Bodger's Spinney next month. We are predicting excessively foul weather, so make sure your tiny tots are wrapped up warm. They will also need to wear special boots because of the violent magnetic activity which has been throbbing in the spinney since Mister Poxhaven overturned a jar of his experimental substance. The Hooting Yard Emergency Response Squadron managed to seal off part of the area, but they used plywood for their impromptu fence and during the night it tends to get gnawed by voles. This intelligence has been reported by the Pang Hill Vole Watching Club, who camp out by the spinney night after night, peering through binoculars and scribbling notes on sheets of A2 paper which they pin up each morning on that board outside the post office. We should be thankful to every last man jack of them. At the Festival of Bears and Pomposity in December they will be given a special prize, made out of tin, in recognition of their efforts. Tickets for the children's activity weekend are available from that weird dilapidated kiosk over by the pond. Bring your own planks.


Hooting Yard on the Air, October the 6th, 2004 : “Barnyard Bulletin” (starts around 21:44)