Friday, October the 22nd, 2004
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Number One in a series of Biblical Reenactments with Dr Ruth Pastry
Nebuchadnezzar made a huge golden idol, and at its dedication proclaimed that at the sound of special music everyone must worship. But Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego refused. Chaldean nobles informed the King of their defiance, and he angrily threatened to cast them into a furnace. “What god can save you then?” he cried. “Our God is able; but even if He does not we will not worship the image,” they replied. Then the strongest men in the army were ordered to bind them. Fully clothed, they were flung into the burning, fiery furnace, the heat of which killed the men who did so. Suddenly the King cried: “I can see four men walking in the flames unhurt. The fourth is like the Son of God.” And when they came out, untouched by fire, King Nebuchadnezzar said: “Blessed be their God!”
What actually happened (left) and a reenactment (right) … or possibly vice versa
This reenactment will need a minimum of seven participants, one each to play the parts of Nebuchadnezzar, Shadrach, Meshach, Abednego, and the phantom who looks like the Son of God, one to represent the Chaldean nobles, and another to be the army strong men. You will need to dig a large pit, at the bottom of which should be placed sufficient straw and kindling (such as scrunched up newspaper or small twigs) to provide a healthy blaze. Douse this in petrol to make quite sure—you do not want your audience to traipse home disappointed. As soon as the pit is ignited, the person playing the army strong men pushes the Godly trio into it, then immediately keels over with screams of agony and lies still. After the King has said his lines, Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego climb out of the pit. They should wait to attend the burns unit until the King delivers his closing words, spoken with due awe.
Note that the person playing the Son of God should be hiding in the pit from the beginning of the reenactment, and must not clamber out of the pit with the others, otherwise his “visionary” status is compromised.
If you have difficulty mustering sufficient numbers, a two-person version is playable, with one as Shadrach, Meshach, Abednego, and the Son of God figure, and the other as the King, the nobles and the army. As you can appreciate, the logistics of this can be quite overwhelming for amateurs. And be warned that audiences find this version a little far-fetched and may boo, hiss, and throw projectiles such as tomatoes, potatoes, and the hot entrails of recently sacrificed poultry.