Thursday, October the 28th, 2004

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Government News

With less than a week to go before the election of a new Potus in Pining & Pothorst Land (see 2nd September), the British government announced a canny little reorganisation. At a press conference to launch the new Department of Railings and Pewter, a spokesperson said: “The great thing about this new department is that, irrespective of whether the new Potus is Democrat or Republican, here in Britain we have gathered everything to do with railings and pewter under a single office. Not only will this make transatlantic railings and pewter issues much easier to manage, it also streamlines our own approach to both railings and pewter, which until now have been the responsibility of different departments often working at cross-purposes.”

The appointment of the new cabinet-level Minister for Railings and Pewter is being kept under wraps for the time being, due to insufferable pomposity and an outbreak of Blötzmann's Syndrome at Whitehall. Dashing and windswept flying doctors have been helicoptered in to cope with the chaos.

“Never let it be said that this government does not take both railings and pewter seriously,” said one MP. “Never, ever. And if such a slur is ever made, woe betide the ragamuffin who makes it, for they will be chased across Parliament Square by my horse, Little Tim, and forced to eat their words.”

The logo of the new department is shown below. Look out for it next time you are looking out for the logo of a new government department.

Government News: Drp