Tuesday, January the 11th, 2005

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Quote of the Day

“Burl could see the wide disc of the Sun now. A few spots were visible on its blazing surface, and great tongues of burning gases encircled it for hundreds of thousands of miles. Were they really destined to end a mere cinder—an instantaneous flicker of fire in one of those prominences? Clyde was working with Oberfield at the calculators. Burl watched them in silence, trying to determine what it was they were getting at. Finally they pulled a figure from one of their machines and took it over to Lockhart and the engineers. There was a brief conference, and something seemed to be agreed upon. Clyde's face, which had been tense, was now more relaxed. 'I think we've got the problem licked,' came the good word.” — Donald A Wollheim, The Secret Of The Ninth Planet