Saturday, February the 5th, 2005

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Quote of the Day

“There was an interesting communication at, of all places, Salisbury railway station in 1966. I was advised by communications to build a copper cone to help my condition. Having read of the apparent Atlantean cones in Other Tongues, Other Flesh by George Hunt Williamson, with their complicated circuits, I felt unqualified to build one. The answer rapped back: 'Just build a simple cone of copper—that's not beyond you is it?' I sat up with a start—surely space people would not talk like that? But it jerked me out of my self-pity and I began a regular daily use of a cone which my father made from a piece of scrap sheet copper.” — Jimmy Goddard, Cosmic Friends


Hooting Yard on the Air, February the 9th, 2005 : “Four Uncanny Tales” (starts around 10:10)

Hooting Yard on the Air, December the 6th, 2007 : “Paupers' Drool” (starts around 05:28)

Hooting Yard on the Air, February the 12th, 2015 : “Hooting Yard Haiku” (starts around 17:50)