Friday, June the 10th, 2005

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Indignant Pansy

Fresh from reading what she describes as “a web page full of corrupted incomprehensible gibberish (though this may be no bad thing)”, Pansy Cradledew writes in response to Wednesday's item entitled The Voice Of Dobson?:

“I really feel I must take you to task about your treatment of Little Severin the Mystic Badger. How could you allow a small badger to act as a stooge in a plot involving shady dealings? He may no longer be quite so small as he once was, but surely poor, impressionable youngsters—badgers especially—should be protected from ne'er-do-wells bent on extortion? I'm shocked. Surely even languishing in a forgotten corner of the Yard would have been preferable to being a pawn in La Gubbins' questionable scheme. Yours indignantly, Pansy Cradledew”

I made the mistake of showing this letter to our resident crone, who was mightily pleased at being dubbed “La Gubbins” and is now having visiting cards printed up bearing the legend La Gubbins, Doyenne of Hooting Yard. This seems pointless to me, as she never actually visits anybody, preferring to spend her time knitting, brewing pots of tea, hatching fiendish criminal schemes and puckering her thin dry lips. Once or twice I have caught her reading the Fu-Manchu novels of Sax Rohmer, and I fear she is taking that villain as the role model for her dotage.