Saturday, June the 11th, 2005

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hear this

The Majesty of Parliament

I have mentioned before the incidental treasures to be found in Hansard, the official record of parliamentary debates. I was saved the bother of ploughing through it yesterday because Simon Hoggart of the Guardian—the “Third Man” of Blunkettgate notoriety, lest we forget—picked out some splendid examples of the timeless wisdom spouted by our rulers. Read these words, digest them, and know that you have become an immeasurably better-informed person:

The Majesty of Parliament: Portsgrn

“Horses have greater need of passports than we do.”

“This whole debate is being dominated by badgers!”

“If in doubt, kill something.”


Hooting Yard on the Air, April the 21st, 2011 : “Anniversary” (starts around 19:22)