Sunday, July the 24th, 2005

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The Cribbins Research Institute

A Press Release appears on our news desk from the Cribbins Research Institute, a “fully-funded body devoted to academic exegesis of the oeuvre of Bernard Cribbins”, apparently. Publication of the launch issue of the Bulletin of Cribbins Studies has had to be postponed after two members of the editorial advisory panel got into a fist-fight underneath the canopy of the Institute's hospitality tent at an international Cribbins Conference in Ülm. Worse was to come, as a screening of The Railway Children was disrupted by a gang of Nesbitistas, a paramilitary groupuscule devoted to the memory of author Edith Nesbit, whose uncompromising stance is that all film adaptations of her work are taboo. An inner “star chamber” of the most fanatical Nesbitistas issued a statement denouncing the Cribbins Research Institute. We will do our best to keep you up to date with further developments.

The Cribbins Research Institute: Cribbinsdisc