Monday, January the 23rd, 2006

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hear this

Preamble to A Is for Aminadab

The Immense Duckpond Pamphlet was a pamphlet about an immense duckpond, as opposed to an immense pamphlet about a duckpond. The text consists of twenty six chapters, lettered from A to Z. It was published in pamphlet form late in the last century, and as I am still fond of it I have decided to add it here, in serial form. So for the next twenty six days this spine-tingling work of duckpondiana will appear, chapter by chapter. I have made a few amendments to the original text, where it was less than felicitous, or where I could see room for improvement.

Here is a picture of the original title page, which should be studied with due care.

Preamble to A Is for Aminadab: Idp


Hooting Yard on the Air, May the 16th, 2019 : “A Bit Of A Kerfuffle Down By The Bins Outside The Barn” (starts around 29:19)