Thursday, April the 6th, 2006

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Quote of the Day

“There seems to be no good reason why a man's way of sharpening a pencil is any better than a woman's. It is difficult to see just why it is advisable to cover the thumb with powdered graphite, and expose that useful member to possible amputation by a knife directed uncompromisingly toward it, when the pencil might be pointed the other way, the risk of amputation avoided, and the shavings and pulverised graphite left safely to the action of gravitation and centrifugal force. Yet the entire race of men refuse to see the true value of the feminine method, and, indeed, any man would rather sharpen any woman's pencil than see her do it herself.” — Myrtle Reed, The Spinster Book


Hooting Yard on the Air, April the 21st, 2016 : “That Dobson-hubbard Slur” (starts around 26:42)