Tuesday, May the 2nd, 2006

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hear this

Answers to Readers' Questions

The Hooting Yard postbag was gnawed by shrews over the Bank Holiday weekend, rendering much of the correspondence indecipherable. Still, it's a timely reminder that many readers have been waiting patiently for answers to their questions, so here is a quick round-up.

Tim from Swanage: Stay in your pod!

Maisie from Crows-An-Wra: I think you may have inadvertently downloaded the cephalopodcast. Put it in a bucket filled to the brim with brine and take it to the seaside.

Arpad from Helsinki: The correct pronunciation is noo-gaah.

Dave from ‘The Old Boathouse’: You are in grave peril. Try to escape from your pod as soon as you can.

Constance from Verona: I am afraid your letter is one of the most thoroughly-gnawed ones and I am unable to read a word of it.

Ingmar from Spokane: Chop up the celery first, then trap the flies. Your mother's brooch has fallen behind the dresser. You will find solace in polevaulting. On Thursday you will receive news from afar, but do not act upon it, or the cosmos will be plunged into twenty billion years of apocalyptic ballyhoo.


Hooting Yard on the Air, May the 10th, 2006 : “The Immense Duckpond Pamphlet” (starts around 26:35)