Saturday, September the 2nd, 2006

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Quote of the Day

“The following is a list of lunar objects published in the Selenographical Journal : 0 deg. Black shadows. 1 deg. Darkest portions of the floors of Grimaldi and Riccioli. 1 1/2 deg. Interiors of Boscovich, Billy, and Zupus. 2 deg. Floors of Endymion, Le Monnier, Julius Caesar, Cruger, and Fourier a. 2 1/2 deg. Interiors of Azout, Vitruvius, Pitatus, Hippalus, and Marius. 3 deg. Interiors of Taruntius, Plinius, Theophilus, Parrot, Flamsteed, and Mercator. 3 1/2 deg. Interiors of Hansen, Archimedes, and Mersenius. 4 deg. Interiors of Manilius, Ptolemaeus, and Guerike. 4 1/2 deg. Surface round Aristillus, Sinus Medii. 5 deg. Walls of Arago, Landsberg, and Bullialdus. Surface round Kepler and Archimedes. 5 1/2 deg. Walls of Picard and Timocharis. Rays from Copernicus. 6 deg. Walls of Macrobius, Kant, Bessel, Mosting, and Flamsteed. 6 1/2 deg. Walls of Langrenus, Theaetetus, and Lahire. 7 deg. Theon, Ariadaeus, Bode B, Wichmann, and Kepler. 7 1/2 deg. Ukert, Hortensius, Euclides. 8 deg. Walls of Godin, Bode, and Copernicus. 8 1/2 deg. Walls of Proclus, Bode A, and Hipparchus c. 9 deg. Censorinus, Dionysius, Mosting A, and Mersenius B and c. 9 1/2 deg. Interior of Aristarchus, La Peyrouse DELTA. 10 deg. Central peak of Aristarchus.” — Thomas Gwyn Elger, The Moon