Wednesday, September the 13th, 2006

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Quote of the Day

“Drunkenness, immorality and disease go hand in hand—a dreadful three. But more than this. The drunken man takes much longer over the sex-act, thereby prolonging the risk of disease, and he runs risks which he would rule out instantly if the fumes of alcohol had not changed the tawdry girl into the glittering fairy. Worse than all, he neglects to apply disinfection properly and promptly—he falls asleep or forgets all about it till too late. Men who are determined to have a ‘night out’ should use calomel ointment (or some other substitute) before they start and if they have been in liquor they should disinfect instantly when they recover their sober senses.” — Ettie A Rout, Safe Marriage : A Return To Sanity