Monday, March the 8th, 2004

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Correspondence Received : One

Sir : Idly browsing your website the other day (attracted, like so many others, by the mention of Xavier Cugat in your Search Engine Lure), I was touched to see a reference to my current book in connection with your list of films such as Apocalypse Cow and The Hound of Music. May I also draw your attention to the following lesser-known highlights of the film-maker's art:

Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde Park – the ill-fated follow up to The Wild Bench, in which a park attendant is pushed beyond the limits of endurance.

I Spit on Your Gravy – Fear and retribution behind the scenes at a top-class restaurant.

Blackhead Jungle – Acne-crazed youths on the rampage.

On Her Majesty's Crown Derby Service (aka China Girl) – Tense spy thriller in which James Bond foils a plot to steal a collection of priceless dinner plates from Buckingham Palace.

20,000 Leagues Under the Sea – Sub-aqua football at its most thrilling.

Dr Terror's House of Horace – Unwary travellers are kidnapped and force-fed the works of the Roman poet Quintus Horatius Flaccus.

When Dinah Shore Ruled The Earth – Absolutely terrifying prehistoric jazz adventure.

I beg to remain etc.,
Max Décharné